We live within a Capitalist society; we also live in a society where suffering and deprivation are rife across the globe. The true shame of mankind is that we consistently fail to recognise the link between these two truths.
On a very basic level capitalism is nothing more than a system for the accounting of our time and energies. We use tokens that we call money to place a value on everything we have and everything we do, in fact money has become so ingrained in our collective psyche that many of us are completely unaware that it is essentially a valueless token of facilitation.
Vast amounts of the world population seem to believe that they go out to work everyday specifically so that they can 'get money'. They are so much a part of the capitalist system that the attainment of money becomes as much of a necessity as having water to drink and food to eat.
This is the point at which capitalism becomes harmful to our progress as a species, it limits our possibilities, places false restrictions upon our ability to problem solve, and thus is the catalyst for the suffering that blights our claim of being a civilised society.
Throughout any political election the candidates will offer solutions to the problems of the day, ingenious plans to deal with unemployment and inflation, healthcare and education, or whatever may be the burning topic concerning the electorate. The solutions they offer however are capitalism solutions, as if that is the only option.
Our education systems, our political institutions, and essentially our media all imply that we have no other option. Every part of our lives is given a monetary value and cost with a false and misleading implied inevitability. When you walk anywhere you put your left foot in front of your right foot then your right foot in front of your left, this is the inevitable process of walking, it doesn't need to be stated because everybody knows that's how to walk, there truly is no other option.
Throughout our lives we have been taught to view capitalism as the left foot right foot of options, we have unlimited choice so long as it follows in the well trodden footsteps of every other capitalist decision before it.
The reality is that capitalism and the financial system are choices themselves. They are human constructs that have been brought into existence by intentional design, and can be removed by the same process.
We are sentient beings; we have the power of reasoned thought. The only things that are inevitable are the laws of nature, things like 'what goes up must come down' and ' the closer you get to a fire the more heat you will feel', capitalism is a different thing altogether. If we choose to not have our quality of life dependant upon the acquisition of monetary tokens we have the ability to make it happen.
We must consider the possible consequences, both positive and negative, of a move away from capitalism. We must do this not because it's what a few people want, but we must do it because it is our duty to consider how we can put an end to innocent suffering.
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